10th Anniversary Pen Search Results(You are not logged on)Home | Items For Sale | Converted Pens | Search | Pen Links |
2003 Bexley 10th Anniversary fountain pen in Lime Green Medium steel nib. Each color of this model was limited to no more than 250 pens. The "X" on the band represents the 10th anniversary model. Est Value: $100 email question or info about this item (not for sale; item shown for identification/reference purposes only) |
2003 Bexley 10th Anniversary fountain pen in Orange Ebonite The "X"s on the band denote the 10th anniversary of the Bexley Pen Co. 18K GP broad nib. There were 250 made of each 4 colors on this limited-edition pen. Est Value: $165 email question or info about this item (not for sale; item shown for identification/reference purposes only) |
2 items represented here. |