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2004 Duke/Uranus Model 108 Blue Pearl rollerball
Don't be fooled by the small footprint of this little pen. It's well made and the texture is intriguing. It grips well and writes with a very light touch.
This item is for sale: $25 USD incl US shipping  src=

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1946 Eversharp Fifth Avenue CA ballpoint in Black
Condition: Very good
Uses a standard Sheaffer ballpoint refill.
This pen has been converted to use a modern ballpoint refill.
Richard Binder profiles the Eversharp Fifth Avenue pen
This item is for sale: $65 USD incl US shipping  src=

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1946 Eversharp Fifth Avenue ballpoint pen in Navy Blue
Condition: Very good
Uses standard Sheaffer ballpoint refills.

An excellent pen for the office.
This pen has been converted to use a modern ballpoint refill.
Richard Binder profiles the Eversharp Fifth Avenue pen
This item is for sale: $60 USD incl US shipping  src=

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1946 Eversharp Fifth Avenue CA ballpoint in Burgundy
Condition: Excellent
Uses a standard Sheaffer ballpoint refill.

The Fifth Avenue is a twin to the Eberhard-Faber pen. CA stands for Capillary Action.
This pen has been converted to use a modern ballpoint refill.
Richard Binder profiles the Eversharp Fifth Avenue pen
This item is for sale: $70 USD incl US shipping  src=

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1955 Parker Pencil Supplies Display Case
Condition: Very Good

The back of this case features a cross reference list showing Parker lead sizes for various other pencil brands.
This item is for sale: $225 USD incl US shipping  src=

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8 items represented here.