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Parker Pen Display Tray

   Est Value: $35

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1960-1970 Parker Pen Sales Carrying Case in leather
A case within a lockable case, marked "Parker" on the inside.
   Est Value: $85

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1954-1966 Parker Jotter display case
Approx. 9in wide and 11in tall.
   Est Value: $100

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1955 Parker Pencil Supplies Display Case
Condition: Excellent
Made for leads and erasers. Complete with NOS leads and erasers.

The back of this case features a cross reference list showing Parker lead sizes for various other pencil brands.
   Est Value: $200

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1955 Parker Pencil Supplies Display Case
Condition: Very Good

The back of this case features a cross reference list showing Parker lead sizes for various other pencil brands.
This item is for sale: $175 USD incl US shipping  src=

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1960's Parker Pen Display Case
With inscription "Beautiful Gifts By Parker" across the top. The back panel locks the upper 3 glass shelves. Plus a small hinged panel on the lower back allows unlocked access to the bottom shelf.

   Est Value: $250

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1960's Parker Pen Display Case
An excellent example of Parker style and quality from the 1960s. Made with a thick metal base to stabilize the case on a countertop. Locking back, nice woodgrain, and working light.
   Est Value: $180

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1964-1965 Parker 45 Display Case

   Est Value: $75

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1970-72 Parker 45 Lighted Display Case
Reference to "Coronet" model on front and back dates this case between 1970-72
   Est Value: $150

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10 items represented here.